this album im making is gonna be the death of me
Haunt me, they will feel you
They will kill you, hold me
I thought you loved me
You hate me, you raped me
Four years old, ripe for sexual activity
Your mother doesn't know a goddamn thing
Oblivious, a broken leg, stop your whining
Listen to your grandfather, he loves you
Why did he throw the chair?
Mother, why did he throw the chair?
It's not my fault I don't remember
What I do when I'm blackout drunk
Justify your actions with drug abuse
You fucking raped your own grandchild and never got your punishment I fucking hate you I want to slit your throat
Why did pop pop throw the chair?
Mother, why did he throw the chair?
No love, no peace, not a moment's peace
There's no peace, never a moment's peace
This is the reality you live in, no peace
Pop pop's cute little innocent fucktoy gets no peace
I want you dead, I want you dead
No peace, not a moment's peace
There's no peace, never a moment's peace
You will never find a moment's peace
edit: also im banned from the bbs for a week so yeah
Plz gib buttsecks